Volunteer for NAMIWalks Greater Houston
Volunteer with us at the area’s largest walk for the awareness, prevention and treatment of mental illnesses. At NAMIWalks Greater Houston, individuals, families, caregivers, survivors, businesses, organizations and communities walk to educate the public about prevention and early detection to reduce the symptoms of mental illnesses. We also support survivors and remember those we have lost and saved.
Volunteer Positions
- Volunteers at NAMIWalks Greater Houston are active before the event, on the day of the event and/or behind the scenes with Participant Support, Media, Marketing & Public Relations, Sponsorship or In-Kind Donations, Team Recruitment and other NAMIWalks events.
- Volunteering on Event Day. Tasks may include setting up the event location, registering participants, serving refreshments, manning water stations, giving out T-shirts and cleaning up after the event.
- Promote NAMIWalks at your workplace, a group or an organization in which you belong. Co-host a Rally to educate the attendees on NAMI and NAMIWalks. Just promote the event and register participants.
As a NAMIWalks Greater Houston volunteer, you get to participate in an exciting community event. It’s a great way to volunteer with your family, friends, coworkers, or any other group all while growing rewarding friendships and helping your community to create Mental Health for All.
To sign up to Volunteer with NAMIWalks Greater Houston, please visit our website Volunteer Link and select Special Events - NAMIWalks.
For help, contact: volunteer@namigreaterhouston.org